About Quakers

Quakers are a faith group committed to working for equality and peace. We try to live in truth, peace, simplicity and equality, finding God in ourselves and around us. Quakers are often called Friends.

You can find out more about Quakers here.

Quaker Worship

Quaker worship (we call it ‘meeting for worship’) normally lasts for an hour. We enter and sit in stillness and waiting. This stillness gives us space and time to listen and reflect. We don’t have songs, set prayers or talks you might find in other places of worship. We know that some people may find the silence uncomfortable, but it can be an opportunity to come closer to ourselves, to others, and to God.

During the Meeting anyone (including visitors) may feel moved to speak. We call this ministry.

The end of the Meeting is signalled by two people (‘elders’) shaking hands, and is usually followed by notices and tea or coffee.

You can read more about Meeting for Worship here.


Quaker Worship

Quaker worship (we call it ‘meeting for worship’) normally lasts for an hour. We enter and sit in stillness and waiting. This stillness gives us space and time to listen and reflect. We don’t have songs, set prayers or talks you might find in other places of worship. We know that some people may find the silence uncomfortable, but it can be an opportunity to come closer to ourselves, to others, and to God.


During the Meeting anyone (including visitors) may feel moved to speak. We call this ministry.

The end of the Meeting is signalled by two people (‘elders’) shaking hands, and is usually followed by notices and tea or coffee.

You can read more about Meeting for Worship here.

Quaker Faith

‘Quakers’ is the name often used for the Religious Society of Friends. Although we have our roots in Christianity, we also find meaning and value in the teachings and insights of other faiths and traditions. We are seekers, looking for ways to find God and deepen our spiritual lives.
  • Quakers believe there is something of God in everyone.
  • Quakers believe our faith is lived through action as well as contemplation. We work positively and creatively with others to build a more just and peaceful world.
  • Quakers are committed to equality. We share responsibility for our work and worship and our life together without traditional structures or paid clergy.

Quaker Values

We believe our faith should translate into action. To help guide and challenge us to live this way, Quakers have a number of testimonies.

Our testimonies encourage us to work locally and globally for social justice, support peacemakers and care for the environment. It’s not always easy to live this way, but as Quakers we try to help, support and encourage each other to keep trying.


Quakers are perhaps best known for our peace testimony, which comes from our belief that love is at the centre of existence and all humans are equal in God’s eyes.


Quakers are perhaps best known for our peace testimony, which comes from our belief that love is at the centre of existence and all humans are equal in God’s eyes.

Truth and Integrity

Quakers try to live according to the deepest truth we know, which we believe comes from God. This means speaking the truth to all, including people in positions of power. As we are guided by integrity, so we expect to see it in public life.

Simplicity and Sustainability

Quakers are concerned about the excesses and unfairness of our consumer society and the unsustainable use of natural resources. We try to find space for the things that really matter: the people around us, the natural world, our experience of God.