The Ballet Committee manages the transportation to and from Philadelphia for Saturday matinee Pennsylvania Ballet performances. Residents buy their own tickets at 215-893-1955. They may choose either the full series of five ballets or the Pick 3 series. Individuals who wish to attend a single performance can usually be accommodated. Subscribers should check with the chair before ordering tickets.
The Celebrations Committee on the Medford Campus provides events with activities to celebrate four national holidays: Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and New Years Eve, and may also sponsor an event for the Super Bowl, Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick’s Day. It decides on the venue, publicizes the events, and supplies refreshments, music and what is needed for various table and party games.
Chamber Music
The Chamber Music Committee designs a group package of six to eight concerts from the programs offered by the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society (PCMS), including transportation via the Medford Leas 25-passenger bus. Some special needs can be accommodated, and PCMS makes an effort to assign the seating requested by residents. Concerts are generally weeknights or Sunday afternoons.
Check the weekly calendar for any variation in this schedule.
- Duplicate Bridge, Game Room, Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. Residents and guests are welcome to play. Usually, 15 to 18 hands are played.
- Social Bridge Round Robin is played in resident apartments and has a flexible schedule.
- Canasta, Game Room, Thursdays, 1 p.m.
- Mahjongg, Game Room, Mondays, 1:30 p.m.
- Mexican Train, Game Room, Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.
- Mexican Train, Lumberton Community Center, Fridays, 7 p.m.
- Rummikub, Game Room, Mondays and Fridays, 2 p.m.
- Scrabble, Nature Center, Wednesdays, 2:30 p.m.
A Golf Committee was formed to reactivate a golf practice area in Beaver Meadow. When the area is established, residents can practice their short game at their leisure. Look for announcements for activities at the site.
Leas MusiCast
Leas MusiCast presents a series of ten classical music concerts, once a month from September to June. The varied programs include symphonic concerts, opera, ballet and chamber Music and are always in the Medford Community Theater, Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. Detailed program notes are provided for each performance. The schedule is available on the Pathways brochure.
Medford Leas Singers
The Medford Leas Singers meet weekly under the guidance of a Therapeutic Recreation staff member. It is the only group at Medford Leas to have participants from all residential areas: Lumberton, Rushmore, Bridlington, the Courts, and Assisted Living. There are three to four concerts per year for all residents and staff to enjoy and other opportunities to perform for MLRA events, marketing events, in sing-a-longs in Assisted Living and during holidays. All are welcome to join!
Philadelphia Orchestra
The Philadelphia Orchestra Committee arranges for transportation to the Kimmel Center for residents who are interested in attending Friday 2:00 p.m. matinees of the Philadelphia Orchestra. There are nine concerts in series A and nine in series B. Residents are responsible for ordering and paying for tickets on their own. However, before ordering tickets the chairpersons should be contacted to make sure there is an available seat on the bus. There is a modest charge for bus transportation to the orchestra. The bus leaves early enough to attend the pre-concert conversation.
Short Trips
The Short Trip Committee selects the site and arranges for tickets, tour guides and restaurants while being conscious of the limitations of our residents. They promote the trip, collect the money, and guide the residents to the site. The committee varies the trips to include museums, nature centers, historical sites, water rides and theatrical performances. Each committee member receives requests from residents of interesting trips which are discussed at the meetings.
Symphony in C
The Symphony in C Committee provides an opportunity for residents who are interested in symphonic music to attend musical presentations provided by the next generations of musicians and composers. Residents who wish to attend the five-concert series buy tickets directly from the Symphony in C box office, telephone: 856-963-6683; online: The price is determined by the location of the seat. The Medford Leas bus takes the subscribers to and from the Gordon Theater at Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts. All performances are on Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Medford Leas charges for the transportation, mileage and driver cost.
The Tennis Committee is responsible for organizing indoor play in the colder months for residents of both campuses and assists the Lumberton Campus Tennis Committee chair regarding organized outdoor play on the Lumberton Campus courts in the summer.
Walnut Street Theater
The Walnut Street Theater Committee makes arrangements to attend five productions of the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia from September to June on a subscription basis and at a reduced price. Since the group is too large for the Medford Leas bus, the committee also arranges for a large tour bus for transportation.
Lumberton Bridge Group
On the Lumberton campus there is a bridge group which plays on Thursday afternoons.
Lumberton Social Activities
Anyone interested in fellowship, food, and fun, this is the committee for you. Many helping hands and new ideas are always needed. The Social Committee members take turns during the year to organize potluck dinners, themed gatherings, and musical events. The group meets on the second Monday of each month at the Lumberton Community Center at 3:30 p.m. to plan and prepare for the upcoming gathering.
In the private, password-protected directory, the MLRA Activities List and LCRA Committees List provide contact information for these activities.