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Dedicated to the conservation of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Morris County, NJ

Donate to Friends

Your tax deductible gift will help fund visitor exhibits, landscaping and demonstration gardens, nature trails and observation blinds, new educational and interpretive programs for school and scout groups, families, and adults.

Use the secure form below or stop by the Visitor Center. Note that due to Covid, hours may vary. Please call ahead, 973-425-9510.

Other ways to contribute

Shop AmazonSmile

Friends of Great Swamp NWR is now registered with AmazonSmile, Amazon’s philanthropic foundation, which will donate 0.5% of your purchase to a charity of your choice.

Using AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Friends every time you shop. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service, but 0.5% of your purchase is donated to Friends.

To get started, go to Sign in with your regular password, it’s the same for both and AmazonSmile. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you must pick your own charitable organization. Search for “Friends of Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.”  (Watch carefully though, there is a “Friends of the Great Swamp” in Pawling NY, which is not us.)

After that, Amazon will automatically remember your selection. Of course, you may change your charity at any time.

Note: When shopping at Amazon, be sure to sign in through the page so that we can receive the donation. And thank you for your support.

Commemorative Brick Campaign

You can help the Friends enrich and expand visitor experiences at the Refuge by purchasing a commemorative brick to be placed in the patio at the Helen C. Fenske Visitor Center. Bricks on the patio can memorialize loved ones, honor friends and family, or express donors’ commitments to nature and the Refuge. All proceeds from brick purchases fund initiatives at Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.

Your support for Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge will leave a lasting impression for present and future generations.